Issue - meetings

Introduction of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging tariffs

Meeting: 08/02/2022 - Executive (Item 331)

331 Introduction of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging tariffs pdf icon PDF 171 KB

Additional documents:


a)   That the comments from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, as shown at Appendix C be considered, and endorse the recommended actions shown.

b)   Endorse and adopt the Electric Vehicle Charging Tariff Policy, as amended by Recommendation (A)



The Leader of the Council presented a report on the introduction of electric vehicle charging tariffs on behalf of the Executive Member for Environmental Sustainability. The proposal was to introduce a tariff for electric vehicles in car parks managed by the Council in line with the Fees and Charges Policy. She said that the proposed tariff was 25ppkw and the council would be submitting a request for funding to upgrade the infrastructure.

Councillor Haysey proposed, and Councillor Williamson seconded a motion supporting the recommendations in the report. On being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – That (A) the comments from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, as shown at Appendix C be considered, and endorse the recommended actions shown;

(B)   the Electric Vehicle Charging Tariff Policy, as amended by Recommendation (A) be adopted.