Issue - meetings

Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy 2022/23

Meeting: 01/03/2022 - Council (Item 369)

369 Treasury Management and Annual Investment Strategy 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Report to follow.

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Financial Sustainability presented the recommendation in the Treasury Management and Annual Investment Strategy report. Councillor Williamson said that the strategy was an important document that helped the Council deliver on its programmes and provided a basis to manage the funds to cover general expenditure. He said that good treasury management was vital to the effective functioning of the Council and all its services. The Council was required to provide three treasury reports at stages during each year of which this was the first, being the forward-looking report for the next financial year.


Councillor Williamson proposed and Councillor Pope seconded a motion supporting the recommendation. On being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – That the Treasury Management and Annual Investment Strategy 2022/23 and Prudential Indicators be approved.


Meeting: 25/01/2022 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 300)

300 Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Financial Sustainability introduced a report setting out the Council’s Treasury Management and Annual Investment Strategy for 2022/23. He said that this was the first of three treasury reports for the year, and invited comments.


Councillor Curtis referred to page 185 of the report, and requested clarification of what is counted as revenue stream for the Council. The Head of Strategic Finance and Property confirmed that this consists of Council Tax, and all income which the Council earns.


Councillor Curtis asked what percentage of Council income comes from leisure. The Head of Strategic Finance and Property was unable to provide specific detail, but explained that once the leisure centres were completed the contractors were obliged to pay the Council to operate them.  He continued that the tenders were not yet back for Hertford Theatre, and that Old River Lane estimates were based on a business plan.


It was moved by Councillor Fernando and seconded by Councillor Curtis that the recommendations, as detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.   


RESOLVED – that (A) The Treasury Management and Annual Investment Strategy 2022/23and Prudential Indicators be reviewed.