257 Human Resources and Organisational Development Strategy 2021 to 2025 PDF 96 KB
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The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development submitted a report that presented the Human Resources and Organisational Development (HR and OD) Strategy for 2021 to 2025.
The Chairman said that some grammatical and typographical errors had been corrected in the strategy document. Councillor Curtis said that there were a lot of cross council elements to the strategy and he referred to the nuances and needs of different departments in terms of the support required from Human Resources.
Councillor Curtis asked if the strategy in its current form was sufficiently conscious of these differences and how they could change over time. He asked if more service specific content should be included in the strategy document.
The Trainee Human Resources Officer said that the strategy was there to support managers in all departments and ensure consistency in the strategy. She said that HR and OD Officers would meet with services and adapt to their needs accordingly.
Councillor Bull proposed and Councillor Newton seconded, a motion that the recommendations detailed in the report be supported. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED – that (A) the Human Resources Committee comments in respect of the draft East Herts HR and OD Strategy for 2021 to 2025 be passed onto the Head of HR and OD;
The HR and OD Strategy 2021 to 2025, be approved;
(C) The Head of HR and OD produce an annual work plan to ensure the delivery of HR Strategy with clear measures set out and a 2022 annual plan be produced for the next meeting of the Human Resources Committee.