153 Assets of Community Value PDF 106 KB
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The Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy briefly introduced the report and explained the context and purpose of the register of Community Assets, as well as outlining some case studies detailed in the report. He said that it was always made clear to community groups that registering something as an asset did not prevent planning applications being considered, but the community interest would be noted and taken into account by planning inspectors. However, it had become clear that the legislation lacked the means to allow effective enforcement if contact was ignored by land owners.
Councillor Stowe said that the owner of the Rose and Crown in his ward had ignored attempts by the community to engage and, as part of the conditions, would need to prove that they had actively marketed the property for sale.
Councillor Ward-Booth and the Chairman said that some of the assets were either coming to the end of the five year term or had already expired. They asked whether the Council would contact community groups about this.
Councillor Huggins and Councillor Townsend said that new Members should also be made aware of assets in their ward when elected.
The Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy said that the Interim Policy Officer had been assigned actions relating to the register and would take forward the requests of the Committee.
RESOLVED – that the report be received and considered.