Issue - meetings

Community Grants Policy and Priorities: 2023/24

Meeting: 14/09/2021 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 154)

154 Financial Management 2021/22 – Quarter 1 Forecast to Year End pdf icon PDF 163 KB

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The Head of Strategic Finance and Property briefly introduced the report and addressed several questions which were sent to him prior to the meeting by Members. He said there had been a small overspend on revenue and some slippage on the capital budget. There would a be a claim made on the government’s income support scheme, the Council would absorb losses up to 5% of the budgeted sales, fees and charges income, with the government compensating for 75p in every pound of relevant loss thereafter.


Property rents were holding up and fewer claims of lower council tax support were received than forecasted. There was an overspend within Strategic Finance and Property, this was largely due to rent reductions which were agreed for Charringtons House for tenants in financial difficulty, although this opportunity was used to favourably change the terms of the leases.


In response to a prior question, the Head of Strategic Finance and Property said that sundry debts related to things like pest control work where the Council had not received payment. Further details could be given to Members outside of the meeting should they require it.


Councillor Stowe asked if a report on the debts could be presented to the Committee.


The Head of Strategic Finance and Property said he was happy to provide a summary report to the Committee, but it should be borne in mind that regarding debt write offs, this would only be done where it was impossible for the debt to be recovered, such as in the case of bankruptcy.


The Chairman asked about the unspent £4.1m from the capital budget. He also asked whether the underspend in revenues and benefits masked problems elsewhere within the Council.


The Head of Strategic Finance and Property said that the unspent budget would be carried forward. Revenues and benefits had a devolved budget, the positive result in this area was largely due to new burdens funding from government to support changes and processes around business rates.


It was moved by Councillor Ward-Booth and seconded by Councillor Fernando that the recommendations, as detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that (A) the net revenue budget forecast over spend of £0.082 million in 2021/22 be noted; and


(B) the revised capital budget for 2021/22 of £50.039million, which included £4.171m carried forward from 2020/21 to be approved as part of the Provisional Outturn report, and the forecast zero variance to that budget, be noted.