Parks and Open Spaces Strategy
Additional documents:
The Executive Member for Wellbeing presented the recommendation, which was referred to in the Executive report of 8 February 2022. Councillor Buckmaster said that the Parks and Open Spaces Strategy would operate closely with the council’s wider plans in its corporate objectives and its Environmental Sustainability Strategy, Cultural Strategy and Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The Strategy identified cost effective services and inventive solutions to meet the needs of the community whilst maintaining a sustainable income.
Councillor Buckmaster proposed that the recommendation in the Executive report be supported. Councillor Symonds seconded the proposal and said that she was pleased to see that the council’s parks would be inclusive for children with disabilities.
Councillor Goldspink said that the Liberal Democrat group were happy to support the recommendation.
The motion to support the recommendation having been proposed and seconded, was put to the meeting and upon a vote being taken, it was declared CARRIED.
- That the Parks and Open Spaces Strategy
be approved.
330 Parks and Open Spaces Strategy PDF 212 KB
Additional documents:
The Executive Member for Wellbeing presented a report on the Parks and Open Spaces Strategy. He said that the strategy was updated to reflect the feedback through the public consultation in autumn 2021. The Council’s parks were an opportunity for residents to enjoy the outdoors and were central to the council’s health and wellbeing offering. He said that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had provided some comments and suggestions and wording in the strategy would be clarified.
Councillor Buckmaster proposed, and Councillor Goodeve seconded a motion supporting the recommendations in the report. On being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED – That (A) the comments from Overview and Scrutiny
Committee, as shown at Appendix D be considered, and endorse the
recommended actions shown;
(B) the draft Parks and Open Spaces Strategy, as amended by Recommendation (A) be endorsed, and recommended to Council for approval.
289 Parks and Open Spaces Strategy (2022 - 2027) PDF 181 KB
Additional documents:
The Executive Member for Wellbeing submitted a report in respect of the Parks and Open Spaces Strategy for 2022 – 2027. He said that the draft strategy had been updated to reflect feedback that had been received following a public consultation held in the autumn of 2021.
Members were advised that parks provided a vital opportunity for residents to enjoy the outdoors and green spaces were central to the Council’s vision of offering health and wellbeing to all and they also provided a calm environment for all generations to relax and exercise.
The Executive Member for Wellbeing said that sustainable habitats provided an abundance of wildlife. He mentioned the Queen’s diamond jubilee and touched on the topic of carbon capture from trees and hedgerows. Members were reminded of the work of volunteers and were also reminded that the strategy would operate alongside the Council’s wider plans outlined in the corporate objectives.
The Executive Member for Wellbeing said that the strategy would support environmental sustainability and would sit alongside the Council’s Cultural and Health and Wellbeing Strategies. He stated that the aim of the Council was to deliver cost effective services and explore inventive solutions to ensure that the parks could continue to meet the needs of communities as well as generating sustainable income.
The Executive Member for Wellbeing said that the parks and open spaces were appreciated and were well used during the lockdowns. He said that a couple of them consistently won green flag award status and there was a lot to be proud of in the parks and open spaces.
Councillor Snowdon said that he welcomed the ban on the release of helium balloons and sky lanterns. He asked if the Executive Member for Wellbeing would consider adding a ban on the release of fireworks in non-organised displays.
Councillor Snowdon also noted that there were only two mentions of Parish and Town Council’s in the document. He asked if the Executive Member for Wellbeing could elaborate further on what the Council could do to work with the Towns and Parishes to further engage them in terms of the management of the parks and open spaces.
The Executive Member for Wellbeing said that the matter of fireworks was covered in government legislation and they were illegal in streets and public spaces. He said that the authorisation of really well organised formal public displays would be included in the Council’s operational policies.
The Executive Member for Wellbeing said that the strategy did commit the Council to exploring alternative delivery models for play areas. He said that the Council would work with the local community and was open to discussions regarding bespoke arrangements for the management of parks and open spaces.
Councillor Goldspink asked why there was no mention within the strategy of access for people with disabilities. The Executive Member for Wellbeing said that the strategy did focus strongly on promoting equality and access for all. He said that all of the protected characteristics had been considered as part of ... view the full minutes text for item 289