Additional documents:
That the Hertford Hydro project should be ceased in light of increasing costs and reduced benefits associated with delivery and the alternative sustainability measures being introduced by the Council.
The Executive Member for Financial Sustainability presented a report on the proposal to cease the Hertford Hydro project. He explained that there had been continual efforts to move the scheme forward but it had become increasingly problematic. There were a range of factors that had meant the payback period for the project had increased from seven to over 50 years and there was still the risk that the Environment Agency would not support a planning application. He said that, with considerable regret, the decision had been made to draw a line under the project and continue with alternative sustainability measures introduced by the Council.
Councillor Ruffles said he was sad to see that the project could not continue as he had been involved from the beginning. He mentioned the distinct shortage of enthusiastic support from the Environment Agency for the project which was disappointing.
Councillor Haysey said that this was not an easy decision to come to and accept and she concurred with Councillor Ruffles that the Environment Agency had not been supportive.
Councillor Williamson proposed and Councillor Haysey seconded a motion supporting the recommendation in the report. On being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED – thatthe Hertford Hydro project should be ceased in light of increasing costs and reduced benefits associated with delivery and the alternative sustainability measures being introduced by the Council.