Issue - meetings

Licensing Annual Report 2020-21

Meeting: 23/06/2021 - Licensing Committee (Item 81)

81 Licensing Annual Report 2020-21 pdf icon PDF 78 KB

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Claire Mabbutt, Licensing and Enforcement Officer, briefly summarised the report. She also said that the DfT had implemented the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) update service, which should reduce the amount of chasing Officers had been doing to obtain documents from drivers. There was a fast track process to assist drivers who had not worked over the last 12 months or had faced difficulties renewing.


The Chairman said that he was pleased that taxi inspections had continued. He asked about the list of applications decided by the Licensing Sub-Committee.


The Licensing and Enforcement Officer said that the report was for the last financial year and therefore a meeting which related to applications from two Tesco stores was not included, but would be listed in the next report.


Councillor Goldspink and the Chairman said it was clear from the report just how much work had been done and carefully documented, and thanked Officers for their hard work.


Councillor Symonds also thanked Officers for their work regarding a licensing matter in her ward.


RESOLVED – that the report be considered and received.