41 Employment Policies Developed Report x 5 PDF 148 KB
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The Chairman thanked Officers for their extensive work in developing the policies and noted that they had already been subject to scrutiny from Leadership Team, Local Joint Panel (LJP) and East Herts Together.
The Head of HR and OD said that the one key addition since LJP’s last meeting was a flowchart in the Capability Policy. He also said that HR’s work on redeveloping policy would now slow down, with customer work coming to the fore. However, the Agile Working Policy and the Re-organisation Policy would still be worked on and would be presented to the Committee when fully drafted.
It was moved by Councillor Bull and seconded by Councillor McMullen that the recommendations, as detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED – that (A) the revised Capability Policy be approved;
(B) the revised Flexible Working Request Scheme be approved;
(C) the revised Recruitment and Induction Policy be approved;
(D) the revised Organisational Development Policy be approved;
(E) the revised and reduced Appeals Policy be approved in line with the changes made to the policies (A) and (B) above; and
(F) additional clauses regarding management of Leadership Team members and ensuring the Chief Executive is available for appeals relating to the three policies (Managing Absence, Probation and Disciplinary), be approved.