38 Annual Turnover Report 2020/21 PDF 334 KB
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The Chairman said that it was good to see that turnover had reduced over a five year period. She asked about posts on hold and particularly the ten on hold in Planning.
The Head of HR and OD said that the posts on hold in Planning were currently covered by agency staff, rather than vacant. There had been a surge of planning applications during the COVID-19 pandemic period. Five staff had also departed, with the main reasons being retirement and relocating to other areas in the country. However, recruitment was underway and there was ongoing work on the restructure in Planning. Two team leaders had been recruited, although recruitment in Planning was generally difficult and costly due to a lack of Planners. Members could be assured that progress was being made on the restructure.
Councillor Alder asked whether apprentices were receiving the correct training and support given increased workloads for Officers.
The Head of HR and OD said that the Planning framework had been suspended, so no further Planning apprentices would be taken on until this was resolved. However, existing apprentices were still being supported and this included support around workload.
Councillor Newton said that residents should understand that Planning were facing a ‘perfect storm’ of problems relating to increased demand and staffing.
Councillor Bull said that there was a perception amongst some residents that applications were being rushed through without due consideration.
The Head of HR and OD said that he could not comment in detail on the work of Planning, however there had been anecdotal suggestions that the situation at the Council was better than at other local authorities in the county. Members were assured that any suggestion that an Officer had not carried out their duties correctly would be investigated.
RESOLVED – that the report be received and considered.