Adoption of Bengeo Neighbourhood Area Plan following Referendum
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The Executive Member for Planning and Growth presented the recommendation, which was referred to in the Executive report of 6 July 2021. Councillor Goodeve proposed that the recommendations in the Executive report be supported. Councillor Ruffles seconded the recommendation.
Councillor Goldspink confirmed that the Liberal Democrat group were happy to support the recommendation.
Councillor Newton spoke as the local ward member and said she was delighted with the plan and was a true representation of the community coming together.
The motion to support the recommendation having been proposed and seconded, was put to the meeting and upon a vote being taken, it was declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED - That the Bengeo Neighbourhood Area Development Plan 2019-2033 be formally ‘made’.
95 Adoption of Bengeo Neighbourhood Area Plan following Referendum PDF 83 KB
Additional documents:
To recommend to Council that the Bengeo Neighbourhood Area Development Plan 2019-2033 be formally ‘made’.
The Leader thanked George Pavey who had put together the Neighbourhood Plan documents and said that they were documents everyone could be proud of.
The Executive Member for Planning and Growth submitted a report on the Adoption of the Bengeo Neighbourhood Area Plan. She said the plan respected the local history and heritage and reflected Bengeo’s future ambitions. She invited Councillor Ruffles to speak as the local ward member.
Councillor Ruffles said that he felt the plan was positive and would make clear to planners and developers what aspirations the area has and what things were cherished. He also thanked George Pavey for his work and had been helpful to the Town Council and the local steering group. Councillor Ruffles mentioned that the referendum had a 50% turnout with 90% of the people voting in support of the plan and this was a tremendous endorsement of the plan.
Councillor Goodeve proposed and Councillor Kaye seconded a motion supporting the recommendation in the report. On being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED - To recommend to Council that the Bengeo Neighbourhood Area Development Plan 2019-2033 be formally ‘made’.