273 Review of Licensing Activity in Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 of 2020 PDF 60 KB
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The Service Manager for Licensing and Enforcement presented the report to the Committee and briefly explained the main points. He thanked his Officers for their hard work under the difficult circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. He also explained the Council’s Travel with Confidence scheme, which included online training for drivers and some funding to allow drivers to claim reimbursement for installation of a screen in their vehicles. The scheme would soon be going county-wide.
Councillor Crystall asked if Members were able to attend Licensing Appeals and how they could find details of upcoming hearings. The Chairman said the Jungle Bar appeal hearing had been delayed. Members were able to attend and the Manager could register Councillor Cystall’s interest in this application.
Councillors Bolton and Symonds asked about the responsibility for street trading moving to the Licensing and Enforcement team and when it would happen and whether the team had enough capacity for this.
The Manager said there was no fixed date but the change would happen as soon as possible. He was confident the Licensing and Enforcement team had enough capacity to take on this extra responsibility. The food safety aspect would still be dealt with by Environmental Health.
Councillor Jones asked about the reimbursement of drivers and operators for vehicle screens, and whether this could be extended to personal protective equipment (PPE) and also cover the drivers of community buses.
The Manager said the funding came from Public Health England and initially allowed the training of 100 drivers for the Travel with Confidence scheme. Accredited drivers could apply for reimbursement of the cost of the screen. Most drivers had already purchased face coverings, so the inclusion of PPE was not deemed necessary. Community buses were not a service that came under the remit of Licensing and Enforcement, but the Manager said he would be happy to assist the relevant service with an application for funding, given his experience of the process.
Councillor Jones asked what checks were in place in relation to pavement licenses. He said there had been very few applications but a considerable number of businesses had outdoor seating available. This seemed unfair on businesses which had followed due process.
The Manager said there had not been any enforcement action in relation to the licences. This could be pursued if Members so wished, but the option of pursuing struggling hospitality businesses during the pandemic would not be favourable.
The Chairman said it was best to be pragmatic, particularly as it was moving towards winter and outdoor seating would be less sought after. The Chairman, with the support of the Committee, said the Committee recognised the difficulties that hospitality, taxi and licensed businesses were facing and commended their dignity and spirit in the face of the pandemic. He also thanked Officers for their reports and work.
RESOLVED – that the report be received.