243 Annual Treasury Management Review 2019/20 PDF 62 KB
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The Head of Strategic Finance and Property presented the Annual Treasury Management Review to the Committee and invited any comments before the report went on to the Executive and Council.
The Chairman asked for the Head of Strategic Finance and Property’s experience of using Link Asset Services.
The Head of Service said he had previously worked with Link and also with Arlingclose, which was Link’s main competitor. His personal preference was for Arlingclose but there had been no problems with the service provided by Link.
Councillor Ward-Booth asked whether loans to other local authorities had been granted on medium or long terms. He also queried which authorities the Council had provided loans to.
The Head of Strategic Finance and Property said the terms of the loans varied. He did not have to hand a list of the local authorities which the Council had provided loans to, but would be happy to provide this to Members. Members also asked that the treasury reports list the individual investments and counter parties going forward, so that Members could see this information as a matter of routine.
RESOLVED – that the report be received.