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The Head of Legal and Democratic Services presented the GDPR and Data Retention Update to the Committee and briefly explained the main points.
Councillor Ward-Booth thanked the Head of Legal and Democratic Services for the comprehensive report which addressed all of the questions previously posed by the Committee.
The Chairman asked if the employment of an Information Governance and Data Protection Manager would be a catalyst for the Council to remain more vigilant of matters relating to GDPR and data retention. He also asked if the Committee would now receive regular updates on this subject.
The Head of Service said it was foreseen that the creation of the Information Governance and Data Protection Manager role would prevent the Council losing focus on the importance of these matters. He said that the Annual Governance Statement would generally include statistics on data security and retention, however a report could be produced for the Committee if Members so wished.
It was agreed the Committee would receive updates every six months, beginning May 2021, on GDPR and Data Retention. This would include, for example, the number of data breaches which had occurred at the Council.
RESOLVED – that the report be noted.