Issue - meetings

Capital Contingency

Meeting: 22/07/2020 - Council (Item 93)

Capital Contingency

Additional documents:


The Leader proposed a motion supporting the recommendations of the Executive on the establishment of an additional Capital Contingency. 


The Executive Member for Financial Sustainability, Councillor Williamson, seconded the motion. 


Councillor Goldspink proposed additional wording “and be reported to all Members of the Council at the end of the week by means of the Members’ Information Bulletin”, to be added after “that use of the contingency be reported to the next meeting of the Executive”. 


Councillor Wilson seconded the amendment, and said he reserved his right to speak if necessary. Councillor Williamson confirmed he had no issues with the wording.


There being no further debate, a vote was taken on the amendment, which was declared CARRIED.  A vote being then taken on the substantive motion, it was declared CARRIED. 


RESOLVED - that (A) a capital supplementary estimate of £2.5 million be established as a general capital contingency; and


(B) that use of the capital contingency be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Executive Member for Financial Sustainability and that use of the contingency be reported to the next meeting of the Executive, and be reported to all Members of the Council at the end of the week by means of the Members’ Information Bulletin.