Issue - meetings

Bishop's Stortford High School Site (BISH6) Masterplanning Framework

Meeting: 29/01/2020 - Council (Item 321)

321 Bishop's Stortford High School Site (BISH6) Masterplanning Framework pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Additional documents:


Members considered a report submitted by Councillor Haysey seeking approval of the Masterplan Concept document for the Bishop’s Stortford High School site as a material consideration for development management purposes. 


Councillor Bell left the Chamber for the consideration of this item, and the subsequent item. 


Councillor Haysey highlighted aspects of the report, in particular referring to the fact that there had been a decision by Hertfordshire County Council to relocate the High School, and the need to progress a decision to avoid delay and consequently further expense to the public purse. 


Councillor Haysey proposed, and Councillor Goodeve seconded, a motion to support the recommendations in the report. 


Councillor Goldspink spoke against the recommendation, expressing her concern at the increase in the number of dwellings from what had originally been proposed.  She said the relocation of the School would result in more car journeys for children. 


Councillor Wyllie said there had been a 50% increase in the number of houses, and that he had concerns at aspects of the highways issues.  He would oppose the motion. 


Councillor Wilson said the developing air quality action plan should be taken into consideration. 


Councillor Redfern queried the number of houses which would be at affordable rent.


Councillor Kaye said the decision as to the proportion of affordable housing would be taken at a later stage, when the matter came before the Development Management Committee. 


Councillor Haysey said Councillor Wyllie had attended meetings of the Steering Group to consider this Masterplanning Framework, at which representatives of Highways had been questioned.  This report was the Framework, which had to be progressed before the planning application was considered.  Regarding social rents, Councillor Boylan had agreed to set up a working party. 


The motion having been proposed and seconded, it was put to the meeting.  A vote being taken, it was declared CARRIED. 


RESOLVED – the Masterplan Concept Document for the Bishop’s Stortford High School Site, as detailed at Appendix A to the report, be agreed as a material consideration for Development Management purposes.


Meeting: 21/01/2020 - Executive (Item 308)

308 Bishop's Stortford High School Site (BISH6) Masterplanning Framework pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Additional documents:


To recommend to Council that the Masterplan Concept Document for the Bishop’s Stortford High School site, as detailed at Appendix A to the report, be agreed as a material consideration for Development Management purposes.


The Leader submitted a report on the Masterplan Concept Document for the Bishop’s Stortford High School site. 


Councillor Haysey said an earlier version had not been satisfactory, but had been improved and now Members and Officers considered this Appendix to the report to be a good Masterplan document. 


Councillor Goldspink asked why the number of houses had increased from 150 to 223, and questioned the capacity of the site for this number of dwellings. 


The Senior Project Officer said originally 150 houses had been proposed.  Following initial consideration during the discussions regarding the District Plan, the council had been advised there was an opportunity to expand the Thorley Hill School, as a result of which there was no longer a need for a separate Primary School to be accommodated.  Accordingly, there had no longer been a need for a specific retention of land, and thus a greater area was available.  Any increase in the number of houses had to work for the design, layout and impact.  Officers were working on those aspects, prior to further consultation with the applicant. 


Councillor Goldspink thanked the Senior Project Officer for this explanation, but said she remained dissatisfied with the increase in housing numbers at the site. 


Councillor Haysey said these comments would be noted. 


Councillor Haysey proposed and Councillor Goodeve seconded, a motion to support the recommendations detailed in the report.  The motion being put to the meeting, and a vote taken, it was declared CARRIED.


RECOMMENDED to Council that (a) the Masterplan Concept Document for the Bishop’s Stortford High School site, as detailed at Appendix A to the report, be agreed as a material consideration for Development Management purposes.