322 East of Manor Links (BISH9) Masterplanning Framework PDF 89 KB
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Members considered a report seeking approval of the Masterplanning Framework for the East of Manor Links site.
Councillor Haysey said meetings of the Steering Group for this site had been held, to which 120 residents had been invited. One aspect, the erection of a net near the driving range, was the subject of correspondence, and would be further considered at the application stage. The Masterplan document would provide a sound basis for development management. She proposed a motion supporting the recommendations in the report. Councillor E Buckmaster seconded the motion.
Councillor Corpe said he had a number of concerns. He questioned where a net could be sited; the fact that the number of consulted residents was 120 seemed to be low, in view of the number of houses proposed, and he had not received an invitation to attend the consultation which had been referred to, despite being the Ward Member. He welcomed cycle routes but was concerned that one route was through a private road.
Councillor Wilson made a number of points in objection to the recommendations. He said there were more houses now proposed than had been in the District Plan. He was concerned that unadopted roads would be a problem.
Councillor Goldspink said she shared these concerns, and asked what powers the parking management company would have.
Councillor Redfern said a target for homes for social rent should be included, which needed to be genuinely affordable.
Councillor Goodeve said tonight’s meeting was not a meeting of the Development Management Committee. She reminded Members that a consultation was shortly taking place on the affordable housing Supplementary Planning Document, to which all were welcome to respond.
The motion having been proposed and seconded, it was put to the meeting. A vote being taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED – the Masterplan Document for the East of Manor Links site, as detailed at Appendix A to the report, be agreed as a material consideration for development management purposes.
310 East of Manor Links (BISH9) Masterplanning Framework PDF 89 KB
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To recommend to Council that the Master Plan Document for the East of Manor Links site, Bishop’s Stortford, as detailed at Appendix A to the report, be agreed as a material consideration for Development Management purposes.
The Executive considered a report submitted by the Leader regarding the Masterplanning Framework for the East of Manor Links site, Bishop’s Stortford.
Councillor Haysey said there was a minor factual error in the report, in that the public exhibition in November 2019 had in fact been at the Bishop’s Stortford Football Club, and not Birchwood High School. Public engagement had been very good, as 120 people had attended, and comments had been positive. There had been requests for single storey dwellings and for measures to prevent airport parking.
Councillor Goldspink noted the number of houses which had been proposed had slightly increased, and expressed concern that parking management was to be carried out by a private company.
Councillor Haysey said this provision was necessary as Highways would not adopt the roads at this site. Management companies, working with residents appointed to roles on their management committees, would manage the upkeep of these roads. This was the case for all such sites where roads were unadopted.
In answer to a further question from Councillor Goldspink,
Councillor Haysey said the road management companies’ remit
would be as approved in the planning application. Their role would be to maintain the site and
monitor parking.
Councillor Buckmaster said, in response to Councillor Goldspink’s query regarding increased housing numbers, that it was density which should be considered. Density for the site was relatively low, which was an important aspect as the council wished to ensure quality, as well as having regard to technical aspects.
Councillor Haysey said the developer had proposed some bungalows, and houses would not be higher than two storeys. The council was aware that permanent development rights could sometimes allow owners to turn bungalows into houses, and the council would take measures wherever possible to prevent this.
Councillor Haysey proposed and Councillor P Boylan seconded, a motion to support the recommendation in the report. The motion being put to the meeting, and a vote taken, it was declared CARRIED.
RECOMMENDED - that the Master Plan Document for the East of Manor Links site, Bishop’s Stortford, as detailed at Appendix A to the report, be agreed as a material consideration for Development Management purposes.