328 Capital Strategy 2020 Onwards PDF 71 KB
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Members considered a report on the Council’s capital strategy.
Councillor Williamson presented the report. He said the strategy was prudent and
proportionate, and that statutory duties were the
focus. The strategy had been fully
debated by the Performance, Audit and Governance Oversight
Committee. He proposed a motion
supporting the recommendations in the report.
Councillor Andrews seconded the motion.
The motion being put to the meeting, and a recorded vote taken in accordance with the statutory requirement, the results were:
Councillors Alder, Andrews, Beckett, Bell, Bolton, Brady, E Buckmaster, R Buckmaster, Bull, Burmicz, Corpe, Curtis, Crofton, Cutting, Deering, Drake, Dumont, Fernando, Goldspink, Goodeve, Hall, Haysey, Huggins, Jones, Kemp, McAndrew, Newton, Page, Pope, Reed, Ruffles, Snowdon, Stowe, Symonds, Ward-Booth, Williamson, Wilson, Wyllie.
Councillors Crystall, Frecknall, Kaye, Redfern.
For: 38
Against: 0
Abstentions: 4
The motion was declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED – to approve the Capital Strategy 2020 Onwards as shown in Appendix A to the report.