Issue - meetings

Grounds Maintenance Contract Award

Meeting: 03/09/2019 - Executive (Item 126)

126 Grounds Maintenance Contract Award pdf icon PDF 115 KB

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To approve the award of the ground’s maintenance contract to ‘Tenderer F’ as the most economically advantageous bid following a full EU competitive process with negotiation in accordance with the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015);

that the provisional item; ‘maintenance of highwaysagency areas’, is included in the contract to offer a service to Hertfordshire County Council under a separate agency agreement, with full cost reimbursement;

that the provisional item; ‘pest control’ is included in the contract;

delegation to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Head of Strategic Finance and Property and Head of Legal and Democratic Services to enter into a contract with the recommended Tenderer and make any minor amendment to the contract that should be required.



The Executive Member forEnvironmental Sustainability submitted a report to agree the award of the grounds maintenance contract for a term of eight years from 1 January 2020, with the ability to extend for another five years.  The report also asked Members to note that the award could be made within existing budgetary resources.  He referred Members to a minor correction in the report, at paragraph 2.1, which stated that the weighting criteria which had been applied to the tender evaluation had been 40% price, 60% quality.  The weighting which had been applied was in fact vice versa, that is, 60% price and 40% quality.  The table shown in the report at paragraph 2.8.1 reflected the correct weighting. 


The Executive Member for …. referred to the main features of the report, including an electronic contract management system; tracking devices for vehicles which would also increase fuel efficiency and minimise air pollution; a web-link to enable customers to find out information such as when the next grass cutting was due and a commitment to an ongoing reduction in complaints.  He referred to savings which would be made over the eight year term of the contract, as set out in the report.  He moved the recommendations. 


Councillor E Buckmaster said he welcomed the package of measures, which were important in keeping the District in shape and which encouraged residents’ wellbeing during challenging financial times.  He thanked Officers for their work on this report.  He congratulated Officers on the parks events held during the Summer and on the regular achievement of “green flag” ratings for Southern and the Ridgeway.


Councillor  M Goldspink asked, in respect of the pest control service, whether the concessionary rate available to vulnerable people was available to all residents. 


The  Executive Member for Environmental Sustainability said the pest control policy had been decided last year, and that it had been agreed to supply a service only to vulnerable people; othersthers would use private contractors.


Councillor M Pope asked whether there was a cost associated with pest control. 


The Head of Strategic Finance and Property  and Interim Head of Operations said the contract included a price for use of the pest control service, as an option if the Council wished to take up that opportunity. 


Councillor M Pope congratulated Officers on their work on this contract.  He asked  about the role played by the specialist consultants. 


The Leisure and Environment Service Manager said the contractors’ involvement in the procurement process had been useful.  He confirmed there were costs associated with the consultant’s involvement. 


Councillor G McAndrew moved, and Councillor E Buckmaster seconded, a motion that the recommendations now detailed be approved.  After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.  The Executive approved the recommendations now detailed. 


RESOLVED – that ( A) Executive approve the award of the grounds maintenance contract to ‘Tenderer F’ as the most economically advantageous bid following a full EU competitive process with negotiation in accordance with the Public Contract Regulations  ...  view the full minutes text for item 126