7 CCTV Operations Report PDF 35 KB
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The CCTV Operations Manager submitted a report to inform the CCTV Joint Executive Committee of the progress and operational effectiveness of the Hertfordshire CCTV Partnership Control Room and Cameras.
The Operations Manager responded to a number of detailed queries from Councillor A Curtis. He also summarised the efficient procedures in place for replacing faulty cameras following a question from Councillor P Clark. The Joint Executive was advised that the police were reliant on CCTV cameras more than ever due to pressure on police resources.
The Operations Manager advised that he was not aware of any complaints in respect of how the control room was being run. He referred to Pub Watch and Shop Watch and the planned use of digital radios once the new control room was operational.
The Operations Manager confirmed to Councillor G Williamson that all would be welcome to visit the new control room once this was operational. Councillor P Choudhury commented on whether high definition (HD) quality CCTV could be available to the police, the crown prosecution service and the courts. The Operations Manager confirmed this was possible if the courts systems were brought up to date to allow the viewing of HD quality recordings.
The Operations Manager confirmed to Councillor G Williamson that there would be 2 day period of downtime once the old control was closed down and the new control became operational. He stressed that the CCTV cameras would continue to record during this period of downtime. The Joint CCTV Executive received the report.
RESOLVED – that the Quarterly Management Report be noted.