6 CCTV Governance Report PDF 90 KB
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The Assistant Director (Communities and Neighbourhoods) submitted a report that summarised the cost benefit analysis undertaken to reassign partner-owned cameras from Hertfordshire CCTV limited to the CCTV Partnership. The report outlined the financial impacts for the company and the partnership as well as legal implications. It was recommended that Members give further consideration to the growth potential for the CCTV service and associated implications for the partnership and the company.
The Assistant Director provided a detailed financial analysis of the CCTV Service and explained that the CCTV Executive was responsible for oversight of all of the 417 CCTV Cameras. He responded to a number of questions and comments from Members. He commented on the likelihood of schools and Parish Councils coming on board with the CCTV Camera Partnership. Councillor J Newmark stated that he would be keen to hear from the Directors of Hertfordshire CCTV Limited.
Councillor P Clark proposed and Councillor I Albert seconded, a motion that the recommendations detailed in the report be supported. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED – that (A) the reassignment of partner-owned cameras to the CCTV Partnership, be approved;
(B) Members requested further analysis of pricing structures by camera type and usage of control room capacity to facilitate negotiations on a revised charging model between the partnership and the company; and
(C) a presentation be requested from the Directors of Hertfordshire CCTV Limited on a Business Plan for the company moving forwards.