5 Update on and Decisions Arising from the SIAS Governance Report PDF 63 KB
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The Head of Housing and Health submitted a report to update Members on work carried out since the Committee’s meeting on 22 January 2019 to address to the governance issues identified by the Shared Internal Audit Service (SIAS) during their audit commissioned by Stevenage Borough Council on behalf of the CCTV Partnership.
The Head provided a detailed breakdown and summary of the Essential Reference Papers referenced in the report submitted. He stated following a SIAS recommendation, the CCTV Management Board were now meeting on a quarterly basis.
The Joint CCTV Executive was advised of the shareholders agreement and decision making arrangements. He referred to the 9 SIAS recommendations and the new partnership agreement. The Head responded to a number of queries from Councillor P Choudhury in respect of the Shareholder Structure and the future management of the CCTV cameras. Following a number of other questions from the Committee regarding the governance framework of the CCTV Camera partnership, the Assistant Director (Communications and Neighbourhoods), detailed the history of the CCTV Camera Partnership.
Councillor Mrs J Lloyd proposed and Councillor I Albert seconded, a motion that the recommendations detailed in the report be approved. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED – that (A) Members provided feedback on the work carried out to date by the CCTV Officer Management Board, included at Essential Reference Paper ‘B’, to address the recommendations made by the Shared Internal Audit Service (SIAS) in their report published in August 2018;
(B) the revised governance Framework between the CCTV Partnership and the Hertfordshire CCTV Ltd and the constituent parts of both as presented in Essential Reference Paper ‘C’, be approved;
(C) the revised terms of reference for the CCTV Joint Executive Committee presented at Essential Reference Paper ‘D’, be approved;
(D) the revised terms of reference for the CCTV Officer Management Board presented at Essential Reference Paper ‘E’, be approved;
(E) the draft revised Hertfordshire CCTV Ltd Shareholders Agreement presented at Essential Reference Paper ‘F’ and requests the CCTV Officer Management Board to consult Directors of the Company on its content, be endorsed;
(F) authority be delegated to the CCTV Officer Management Board authority to finalise the Shareholders Agreement having sought the views of the Directors of the Company and legal representatives from the partner councils save that if any further substantive amendments are proposed these shall be brought back to Members of the Joint CCTV Executive for approval; and
(G) an amendment to the completion date for drafting a revised Partnership Agreement to 30th September 2019 or the next Joint CCTV Executive Meeting (whichever is the sooner) so as to fully incorporate the documents considered within this report, as amended by members, be approved.