451 Agency Staff Audit PDF 38 KB
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The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development submitted a report following the agency staffing audit and associated action plan. He provided a summary of the final report and the main actions points for HR in relation to:
· Monitoring and review – acknowledgement of the 12 Week Rule;
· Agency staff renewal – the need to take a more active role in monitoring agency staff and to give consideration to making them permanent.
· Actions already undertaken by the HR team to address the points in the action plan which included proactively contacting managers when their agency staff were approaching 12 weeks employment and advising them what they needed to do and taking a report on agency staff to Leadership Team quarterly, to ensure a holistic view and assess value for money.
· In progress was the agency use and terms gathering exercise which would lead to the creation of a preferred suppliers list with negotiated terms to ensure better value for money.
In response to a query by Councillor R Cheswright, the Head of HR and Organisational Development explained that an employee could be made permanent, as a part time member of staff.
The Committee received the report.
RESOLVED – that the Human Resources updated be noted.