396 East Herts Corporate Peer Challenge PDF 40 KB
Additional documents:
The Peer Review report, as detailed within Essential Reference Paper B, be noted; and
The associated action plan, as detailed with Essential Reference Paper C, be agreed.
The Leader of the Council submitted a report that presented the findings of the recent East Herts Council Corporate Peer Review. She stated that a team of Officers and politicians had assessed the Authority and this was their report.
The Leader referred to the fair actions that were detailed in the report and stated that East Herts was seen as a “doing” Council with sound relationships being built by Officers. She praised the role of Members and thanked Officers and partners who had participated in the Peer Challenge in an active and positive way.
Councillor L Haysey proposed and Councillor G McAndrew seconded, a motion to support the recommendations now detailed. After being put to the meeting, and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
The Executive supported the proposals, as now detailed.
RESOLVED – that (A) the Peer Review report, as detailed within Essential Reference Paper B, be noted; and
(B) the associated action plan, as detailed with Essential Reference Paper C, be agreed.