453 Flexible Working PDF 39 KB
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The Head of HR and Organisational Development submitted a report which had been considered and supported by the Local Joint Panel on 12 December 2018. The Human Resources Officer provided a summary of the proposed key changes, as detailed. It was noted that the suite of HR policies were being reviewed to ensure that they were updated in line with legal requirements and best practice, were clear and concise and made clear the role of HR, Managers and employees and made use of e-forms, where possible. Members supported the recommendations, as detailed.
It was moved by Councillor S Bull and seconded by Councillor M Stevenson that the recommendations, as detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED – that (A) the Flexible Working Scheme be approved;
(B) the Job-Share Policy be deleted.
8 Flexible Working Scheme PDF 38 KB
Additional documents:
The Secretary to the Employer’s Side submitted a report inviting Members to approve the revised Flexible working scheme. The Panel was advised of a number of key changes to the policy, including clarifying flexible working patterns and deleting the job share policy and adding job-share as a flexible working option to this policy.
The Panel was also advised of the key difference between flexible working and flexi time. The Secretary to the Employer’s Side confirmed that the authority embraced flexible working and if an employee was denied flexible working, they would be unable to apply again for 1 year.
In response to a query from Councillor E Buckmaster, the Panel was advised that flexi time was available to all, with the exception of the Leadership Team. Councillor A Alder commented on the procedure which should be followed should a request for flexible working be rejected and whether an Officer could reapply.
The Secretary to the Employer’s Side confirmed that requests could reasonably be considered for flexible working every 12 months. Officers could ask for a temporary variation to hours if, for example, there was a short term family issue or emergency. A request for formal flexible working could only be submitted once in a 12 month period.
It was proposed by Mrs J Bruce and seconded by Councillor L Radford that Human Resources Committee be advised that the Local Joint Panel supports approval of the revised flexible working scheme and also the deletion of the job-share policy.
After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED – that Human Resources Committee be advised that the Local Joint Panel supports approval of the revised Flexible working policy and the deletion of the job-share policy.