Note – Essential Reference Papers ‘C’ and ‘D’ are enclosed for Members only as they contain exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.
Additional documents:
The Executive Member for Finance and Support Services submitted a report updating Council with respect to Old River Lane and Northgate End Development Sites in Bishop’s Stortford.
The Executive Member stated that he was pleased to advise that good progress had been made since Council in July by the Old River Lane Delivery Board with respect to both Old River Lane and Northgate End.
With respect to Old River Lane, the Executive Member stated that, following a comprehensive procurement process, final bids would be submitted to the Council on 28January 2019. The preferred developer would be selected in February and proposed to Council in March 2019.
The draft heads of terms for the Old River Lane development formed part of the procurement process and this document was set out within Essential Reference Paper “C”. The final document would form part of the final bid submissions to the Council.
Members were advised that plans for the Northgate End development had also been moving forward.
The Executive Member confirmed that the indicative net cost of the Northgate End development would be £19.03 million and the business case and details of the funding were detailed in Essential Reference Paper “D”. Members were advised the necessary land acquisitions would be funded by the Local Enterprise Partnership funding. Land behind the site and land to the east was owned by Hertfordshire County Council and Bishop’s Stortford Town Council.
Council was advised that the procurement process was due to commence next month with a contractor appointed by April 2019. Members were reminded that no major works would commence until Council in March 2019 had approved proposals for the Old River Laneand also until the revised planning application had been approved and planning conditions discharged.
The Executive Member concluded by stating that the Arts Centre Steering Group had been moving forward regarding the design brief for the new facility as detailed in Essential Reference Paper “B”. The estimated cost of the centre based on the design brief was £28 million and the indicative breakdown of indicative funding sources was detailed within table 1 on pages 284 and 285 of the report submitted.
The Executive Member thanked the Joint Meeting of Scrutiny for their input in November. Council considered the recommendations in respect of Old River Lane and the Northgate End Development.
Councillor G Williamson moved, and Councillor M Pope seconded, a motion that the recommendations now detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting, and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.
Council approved the proposals now detailed.
RESOLVED – that (A) Council notesthe update on:
i. the competitive dialogue procurement process for Old River Lane
ii. the latest brief, estimated budget and likely funding partners for the Arts and Entertainment Centre
iii. the draft Heads of Terms for the Development Agreement
(B) Council approved the capital allocation of £19.03m for the Multi Storey Car Park and adjoining residential/commercial units at Northgate End (Exempt Essential Reference Paper “D”), known as the ‘Northgate End ... view the full minutes text for item 323
12. Old River Lane and Northgate End development PDF 85 KB
Note – Essential Reference Papers ‘C’ and ‘D’ are enclosed for Members only as they contain exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.
Additional documents:
That the final business case for the ‘Northgate End Developments’ detailed at exempt Essential Reference Paper ‘D’ of the report submitted, be approved.
279 Old River Lane, Bishop's Stortford - Update PDF 65 KB
Note – Essential Reference Papers, C and D are enclosed for Members only as they contain exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972. In considering these matters, the meeting may exclude the press and public as detailed at item 7.
Additional documents:
The Chief Executive provided Members with a summary timeline of decisions taken regarding the Old River Lane development site and an update on the progress made so far. The Chief Executive explained that Essential Reference Paper “B” referred to an increase in the level of capital investment needed of £28M (from an initial estimate of £20-£25M) which could go up or down depending on the final scheme.
Members debated the report at length and raised a number of queries in relation to:
· capital funding and revenue costs, loan requirements, financing costs, potential funding partners and the impact on the Medium Term Financial Plan (future years); and
· land assembly requirements.
The Old River Lane Draft Heads of Terms (HoT) was debated at length when a number of Members expressed a range of concerns in terms of its content, legal standing and enforceability. Mr Hewines (Montagu Evans) explained that the HoTs would eventually be novated into the final Development Agreement. He provided assurances on a number of points therein and explained that the Development Agreement (DA) was the key document and that this document would be legally binding.
The Chief Executive explained that a final report would be presented to the Executive and then to Council for decision on 5 March 2019. The Chief Executive undertook to provide Members with an email confirming that the Heads of Terms were not legally binding but that the content was important as this would form the basis of the Development Agreement.
Councillor J Jones sought and was provided with an update in terms of the current Judicial Review and its impact on the Old River Lane proposals.
The ORL Project Manager explained the use of Building Information Management technology to explore and control costs.
In response to a suggestion that Members be given sight of the contract before it was signed, the Chief Executive undertook to provide Members with a formal briefing early next year which would review the content of the Heads of Terms and the Development Agreement. This was supported.
Members supported the recommendations now detailed and that their comments detailed above, be referred to the Executive. It was moved by Councillor B Deering and seconded by Councillor I Devonshire that the recommendations, as detailed, be approved. After being put the meeting and a vote taken, the recommendations were declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED – that the Executive be advised that (A) Members noted the update on the competitive dialogue procurement current underway for a development partner at Old River Lane;
(B) the latest brief for the Arts and Entertainment Centre, Section 3, (Essential Reference Paper “B”), the estimated budget for the centre and the likely funding partners be noted;
(C) the draft Heads of Terms for the Development Agreement on the ORL main Site (Exempt Essential Reference Paper “C”) be noted and Members concerns be forwarded to the Executive;
(D) the final Business Case for the Multi-Storey Car Park and adjoining residential/commercial units at Northgate End (Exempt Essential Reference Paper “D”) known as “Northgate ... view the full minutes text for item 279