20. The Management of Community Assets Associated with New Development PDF 90 KB
Additional documents:
That (A) planning guidelines are prepared that will inform developers about the Council’s requirements in respect of the management of community assets in new developments; and
(B) the determination by officers of the community assets management arrangements at Stortford Fields be endorsed, including:
(i) the establishment of a Stortford Fields Community Trust in the role of the community assets management body, subject to the following conditions:
(a) the submission of a five year business plan for consideration by the Bishop’s Stortford North Steering Group;
(b) a review of the Trustee Board membership to be considered by the Bishop’s Stortford North Steering Group; and
(c) the Trust having the ability to devolve activities if considered necessary at the appropriate time;
(ii) a two-tier service charge according to property size.