122 Work Programme 2018/19 PDF 38 KB
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The Chairman of Performance, Audit and Governance Scrutiny Committee submitted a report setting out the committee’s future work programme.
The Committee Chairman commented that in the past, Members had considered a request to have a general presentation by Housing Associations which would cover things such as repairs and general issues of concern. Members were reminded that presentations had been reported to the former Community Scrutiny Committee and that future reports would be the within the remit of Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Councillor M Allen undertook to submit a request for this via a Scrutiny Proposal Form.
The Committee Chairman explained that he had asked the Head of Democratic and Legal Services for an update regarding the employment of a Scrutiny Officer who had advised that the matter was in hand and the content of the role was being reviewed. Councillor J Wyllie stated that it was critical that Members had a Scrutiny Officer in post to support them in the role of scrutiny.
Arising from consideration of reports elsewhere on the agenda, Members were reminded that they had already supported the inclusion onto the work programme, of a report on disaster recovery following a cyber-attack and the impact this might have in relation to the business impact /continuity plan. This was supported.
Members referred to Essential Reference Paper “B” in terms of the items to be scoped / added, specifically in relation to Section 106 Agreements (review of the management of Section 106 payments). Councillor P Ballam reminded Members that when this had been discussed at an earlier meeting, it was also about whether agreements were appropriate. Councillor T Page suggested that a financial statement detailing the current position be provided for scrutiny and which provided expiration details. This was supported.
It was moved by Councillor T Page and seconded by Councillor S Cousins that the draft work programme, be amended by the inclusion of :
a report on disaster recovering following a
cyber-attack and in relation to the business impact continuity /
assessment; and
· a report on Section 106 agreements including a financial statement detailing the summary position be reported to the November meeting.
After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the recommendations, including the amendments, were declared CARRIED.
RESOLVED - that the draft work programme as amended, for Performance, Audit and Governance Scrutiny Committee, as now detailed, be approved.