Issue - meetings

Castle Weir Micro Hydro Scheme

Meeting: 22/05/2018 - Performance, Audit and Governance Scrutiny Committee (Item 34)

34 Castle Weir Micro Hydro Scheme pdf icon PDF 59 KB

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The Executive Member for Environment and Public Space submitted a report detailing the need to revisit the proposal to construct a micro hydro power scheme at Castle Weir, Hertford and to reconfirm the business case and costings and updates.  The Environmental Sustainability  Co-ordinator provided a summary of the report. 


Councillor P Ruffles referred to the historical and educational value of the mill site and acknowledged the time officers had spent in moving the initiative forward.  Councillors K Crofton, S Cousins and L Radford echoed the sentiment adding that it set a great example to the community and the positive impact this would have on the carbon footprint.  They thanked officers for the excellent report and in moving the initiative forward. 


Councillor D Oldridge sought and was provided with clarification regarding the impact of the micro hydro power scheme on the river scene and the export of the electricity to the national grid.  The Environmental Sustainability Co-ordinator explained why the Council was likely to make an application to lodge a tariff in advance of the works taking place.


It was moved by Councillor P Ruffles and seconded by Councillor S Cousins that the recommendations, as detailed be supported.  After being put the meeting and a vote take, the recommendations were declared CARRIED. 


RESOLVED – that (A) the revised business case and the revised indicative timetable be noted and that any comments be forwarded to the Head of Housing and Health; and


(B)   the impact on the Council’s carbon reduction and sustainability targets be noted.