128 Closure of Council Offices on Christmas Eve PDF 46 KB
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The Interim Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development submitted a report on the proposed closure of the Council offices on Christmas Eve 2018. The Interim Head explained that Members had initially considered the issue at its meeting on 18 April 2018 when a decision had been made not to close the Council’s offices. Following the strength of comments received as a result of that decision, which had been cascaded to staff, Members were asked to re-consider their earlier decision. She provided a summary of the report.
Councillor P Ruffles reflected on Members’ views and concerns, including the views of the Local Joint Panel, when this was last considered. He referred to the previous arguments put forward to justify a closure on Christmas Eve, principally that Stevenage Borough Council, was also proposing to close its offices and that heating costs would be saved by East Herts. No decision had yet been made by Hertfordshire County Council.
Councillor P Ruffles accepted that some services needed to be available on Christmas Eve and said that because SBC had decided to close, East Herts did not have to follow their lead. Councillor M McMullen commented that he was not left with the impression that the management side had any strong feelings about the arrangement.
The Interim Head highlighted that there would be no IT support from SBC if there was a problem with East Herts’ IT system. She explained that this matter had been raised initially via the staff forum and that when Leadership Team had originally considered the request, they had sought assurances that emergency arrangements would be in place within service areas. The report had been brought back to Members to consider their previous decision and this would reassure staff that the Council was listening to their views. She added that this situation would not arise again until 2029.
Councillor M Stevenson suggested that there could be consequences in not having IT support available as a result of SBC’s Christmas closure and for the Council to be aware of this in terms of any future considerations.
The Interim Head referred to the previous report and explained the methods of how staff would be expected to take a day’s leave to facilitate the Christmas Eve closure.
The Committee Chairman commented that he had discussed the situation with the Chief Executive and that Members had not realised the level of feedback from staff who were unhappy about the decision. He questioned why , given the potential impact of this decision on staff morale staff were not being given the day off to accommodate the Christmas Eve closure. Councillor P Ruffles stated that the day was likely to have reduced levels of work and footfall and that many members of staff might be told to leave work early by their managers.
Councillor S Cousins stressed the need to have sufficient back up should there be an emergency and if these assurances had been given, his suggestion was to allow staff not to attend on ... view the full minutes text for item 128
17 Closure of Offices on Christmas Eve PDF 48 KB
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The Interim Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development submitted a report inviting Members to support approval of a Policy Statement on the closure of the Council’s offices on 24 December where Christmas day fell on a Tuesday and a recommendation that the Council’s offices be closed on 24 December 2018.
The Interim Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development explained that this issue had initially been raised by a member of staff and had been discussed at Leadership Team. She explained that closure of the offices this year, on 24 December 2018 would be an enforced closure and that staff would have to save a day’s leave (or take leave from a number of options suggested in the report) to accommodate the closure.
It was noted that Stevenage Borough Council (and who shared joint services with East Herts in terms of IT and Revenues and Benefits) had taken a decision to close on 24 December 2018, and that staff had been asked to use a half day’s leave.
The Interim Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development outlined the merits of the proposed closure in terms of health and wellbeing and a family friendly approach and the savings that would be achieved by closing the office. She explained that the issue of service delivery and emergency cover had been considered and could continue to be covered for the additional day. The Interim Head of Human resources and Organisational Development stated that by addressing the issue early allowed staff to plan for the closure.
Councillors A Alder and L Radford were concerned that the enforced closure would mean that the offices would be closed this year for five days and the impact this might have on the Emergency Team including the public perception of the five day closure. She queried whether this would also impact on New Year Bank Holiday arrangements.
The Panel Chairman shared Councillor Alder’s concerns.
Councillor Alder suggested that staff could be encouraged to work by offering them double time payments. She explained that she felt that the suggestion to take a day’s leave was “hard” on staff and the community and left her feeling conflicted.
The Interim Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development explained that staff had confirmed small footfall numbers over Christmas Eve and that, with advance communication notifying the public of the closure, expectations could be managed. On the issue of a suggested enhanced payment to staff to work on Christmas Eve, she explained that the closure was on a normal working day, rather than on a day when enhanced rates might apply. The proposal being made was cost neutral to the Council in terms of the pay bill.
The Interim Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development assured the Panel that with advance notification, expectations could be managed.
The Panel recommended approval of the report, subject to confirmation by Officers that:
appropriate and sufficient arrangements
be put in place in terms of emergency cover over the five day
holiday period; and
· the ... view the full minutes text for item 17