Issue - meetings

Recruitment, Induction and Probation Policy

Meeting: 21/03/2018 - Local Joint Panel (Item 16)

16 Recruitment, Induction and Probation Policy pdf icon PDF 38 KB

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The Interim Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development submitted a report detailing a revised Recruitment, Induction and Probation Policy.  The HR Officer explained that the new policy combined three existing policies: the Recruitment Policy, the Probationary Policy and the Employing and Managing Employees with Disabilities Policy.  She provided a summary of the key changes to the policy and procedures. 


Councillor L Radford referred to the possibility of “slippage” in terms of managing people from the viewpoint of probation reviews.  The HR Officer referred to the probation procedure process set out within Essential Reference Paper “D” of the report submitted.


The Panel recommended to Human Resources Committee, approval of the report, as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED – that the revised Recruitment, Induction and Probation Policy as now submitted, be approved.