Issue - meetings

Treasury Management Strategy 2018-19

Meeting: 01/03/2018 - Council (Item 386)

386 Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy 2018-19 pdf icon PDF 42 KB

To consider a report of the Executive Member for Finance and Support Services

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Finance and Support Services submitted a report setting out the proposed Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy for 2018-19.  He also sought approval for the Prudential Indicators 2018-19.


Council noted there had been no additional regulatory changes since the previous Strategy had been approved.


The Executive Member moved, and Councillor M Pope seconded, the recommendations as now detailed.  After being put to the meeting, and a vote taken, the recommendations were declared CARRIED.


Council approved the recommendations now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) the Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy discussed in paragraphs 2.1 – 2.2 of the report submitted, be approved;


(B)       the Prudential Indicators discussed in paragraph 2.3 of the report submitted, be approved; and


(C)       the counterparty listing discussed in paragraph 2.4 of the report submitted, be approved.