Issue - meetings

Quarter 2 Financial Healthcheck

Meeting: 21/11/2017 - Performance, Audit and Governance Scrutiny Committee (Item 257)

257 Shared Anti-Fraud Plan - Update pdf icon PDF 165 KB


The Shared Anti-Fraud Service (SAFS) submitted a report setting out the progress made against the Anti-Fraud Action Plan 2017/18 and the action taken by the Council to prevent and deter fraud and protect public funds.  The SAFS Officer provided a summary of the report and provided updates on the E-Survey for quarter four.

Assurances were provided by the SAFSs Officer that the Council had in place a number of safeguards for the prevention and detection of fraud.  Members were assured that the SAFS partnership was providing good value for money working across its partners to provide a robust service.  The Head of Strategic Finance and Property commented on the difficulty in putting a value on a prevention agenda and the positive benefits of working with partners to prevent and detect fraud.


The Committee noted the progress of the Shared Anti-Fraud Service Action Plan 2017/18 and the action taken by the Council to deter fraud and protect public funds.


RESOLVED – that (A) the progress of the Shared Anti-Fraud Service Action Plan 2017/18 be noted; and


(B)   the action taken by the Council to           prevent and deter fraud and protect public funds be noted.