Issue - meetings

Medium Term Financial Plan, Budget Report and Service Plans 2019/20

Meeting: 20/11/2018 - Joint Meeting of Overview and Performance, Audit and Governance Scrutiny Committees (Item 277)

277 Medium Term Financial Plan, Budget Report and Service Plans 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 128 KB

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The Head of Strategic Finance and Property submitted a report on the Medium Term Financial Plan, Budget Report and Service Plans 2019/20.  The Head provided a summary of the report which aimed to ensure that the budget was robust and able to deliver and sustain the Medium Term Financial Plan and changes in resource allocation.  


Members were provided with clarification from Officers on a number of issues, including in summary:


·       the pension fund – and the fact that the Council continued to make contributions until further actuarial advice was provided;


·       Council tax increase – that the increase of 3.1% in Council Tax would provide additional income of approximately £80k;


·       the Budget Gap – and the approach to be taken covering the period up to 2022/23 including additional salary pressures caused by NJC changes and spinal point alignments;


·       capping the cost of services for 2019/20 at £14.3M and how this would impact on services;


·       how the New Homes Bonus could be used to support projects such as the Old River Lane project;


·       the robustness of projected savings detailed (at Table 8).  Assurances were provided that these were very solid;


·       the increase in Fees and Charges (Table10) and its impact on surplus cash;


·       budget components and the measures taken to mitigate costs;


·       the level of earmarked reserves contributions and whether any additional funding was being added other than 25% from the New Homes Bonus monies.  Assurances were provided that the Council’s level of reserves were at a comfortable level and would not be used inappropriately;


·       the rolling programme used on ICT projects was queried and assurances were provided that £450K was an appropriate level in terms of investing in a state of the art ICT System.  The new IT Shared Service Manager would review systems and report back to Members;


·       how the new “Clarity Planning” system provided better monitoring of budgets and targets; 


·       support for the ongoing expansion of Launch Pad into Ware and Hertford;


·       the exclusion of Fanshawe Pool from the capital leisure strategy investment.  The Head of Strategic Finance and Property agreed to respond to Members with further information;


·       confirmation that the income was predicated on investment in capital schemes;


·       clarification of the £50K capital investment in The Wash, Hertford.  The Head of Strategic Finance and Property agreed to respond to Members with further information;


·       the Walkern Windfall and how this would be spent.  This was included in the Capital Receipt Reserves.  The Head of Strategic Finance and Property agreed to respond to Members with further information;


·       the Chairman queried whether the 10 day target to process housing benefit new claims and was advised that 10 days to process was a reasonable target (depending on the level of activity) but that efforts would always be made to exceed this;


·       incentives in relation to E-Taxis and aims to lower emissions;


·       the Masterplanning process and the need to encourage developers to build more affordable housing.  Members noted that the adoption of the District Plan would provide a range of policies to address  ...  view the full minutes text for item 277