Issue - meetings

My View presentation

Meeting: 10/01/2018 - Human Resources Committee (Item 313)

MyView - Presentation

Presentation on the MyView HR system by Helen Farrell


The Human Resources Officer provided a presentation on the recently introduced HR software MyView.  Its use and applications in relation to HR matters including the ability to manage absence, book leave, amend personal details, submit expense claims and view online pay slips was explained.  The software had been bought as a “shell” and had been designed in consultation with Stevenage Borough Council in view of the joint working relationship.


The Human Resources Officer explained that the information contained was hierarchical in that a section’s manager could only view staff working within their specific section.  The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development thanked Officers for the hard work by the team which had gone into developing the software.  She explained that Officers hoped within the next 18 months, to include more information to manage issues such as training and development, the PDR process, leavers and starters, exit interviews and linking core recruitment to the website.


In response to a query from Councillor P Boylan, the Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development explained that the system would eventually be extended for Members’ use, e.g. submission of expense claims, learning and development.


The Committee Chairman, on behalf of Members, thanked Officers for their hard working in driving the initiative forward.


RESOLVED – that the presentation be received.