Issue - meetings

Equality Report

Meeting: 04/10/2017 - Human Resources Committee (Item 177)

177 Equality and Diversity Annual Report 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 77 KB

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The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development submitted the Equality and Diversity Annual Report 2016/17.  The Human Resources Officer provided a summary of the report and referred Members to the recommendations as detailed.


The report provided an analysis of the Council’s workforce, of external applicants applying for Council jobs and the legislation relevant to public sector bodies with more than 150 employees. 

The report provided a detailed analysis on the following areas:


·        Recruitment

·        Employee profile

·        Performance Management (PDR)

·        Discipline and Grievance

·        Training Course participants

·        Leavers

·        Comments on the 2015/16 recommendations

·        Recommendations for 2016/17


Councillor M McMullen referred to the Council’s employment gender profile in that there were more women than men employed by the Council and queried whether genders tended to be “pigeon holed” in terms of roles?  The HR Officer explained that from the information gathered, there was no evidence to suggest this was the case.  She stated that the Council was researching the possibility of working with the University of Essex to gain further insights into the Council’s Equality and Diversity report.  The Head of HR and Organisational Development explained that East Herts’ workforce was consistent with other Councils and that more females might be attracted to public sector employment because of the flexible working arrangements.


The Vice Chairman queried why men were not performing well at interview.  The Head of HR and Organisational Development assured Members that a balanced and consistent approach was adopted at all recruitment stages and that there was no bias.  Councillor M Stevenson asked whether information could, in future, be presented from the viewpoint of gender and service. 

Councillor P Boylan stressed the need to include patterns and trends in future reports to provide more meaning to the information presented.


The Vice Chairman referred to the large number of part-time staff.  He queried whether part-time staff might frustrate the ability to provide a consistent service and how this might impact on the Council’s business proposals to be accessible 24:7.  He felt that the Council was getting out of step with other organisations.  The Head of HR and Organisational Development explained the positive steps being taken in relation to Digital East Herts in promoting access to the Council’s services.


In response to a query by Councillor P Boylan regarding the “Analysis by Gender” at the shortlisting stage, the HR Officer explained why she had presented the figures as detailed. 


Councillor S Bull expressed concern at the loss of experience when staff left the Council’s employment and the impact this could have.  The Head of HR and Organisational Development stated that the bulk of the Council’s workforce was between ages 40 - 59 and that some staff affected by a restructure, had taken the opportunity to leave.  She felt that there was a need to “grow your own” talent and acknowledged that turnover at the moment , was the highest it had been for a number of years, but that this was not uncommon when the organisation had undergone restructures in the last year.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 177