Issue - meetings

Proposals for Grounds Maintenance Contract - report of the Task and Finish Group

Meeting: 12/09/2017 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 149)

149 Proposals for Grounds Maintenance Contract - Report of the Task and Finish Group pdf icon PDF 74 KB

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The Committee Chairman submitted a report setting out the scope of the Terms of Reference in relation to the Grounds Maintenance Contract Task and Finish Group.  It was noted that the Council’s Grounds Maintenance Contract was due to be retendered on 1 January 2020. 


The Environmental Manager, Open Spaces provided a summary of the report and referred Members to the proposed terms of reference for the Task and Finish Group in Essential Reference Paper “B”.


Councillor G Cutting referred to issues in Bishop’s Stortford in terms of overgrown vegetation around a number of twitchels in Thorley and other overgrown hedges which he believed, contributed to anti-social behaviour.  He asked that the frequency of hedge pruning be reviewed.  The Environmental Manager explained that some were the responsibility of Hertfordshire County Council and that the Council could only encourage HCC to review the frequency of the pruning. 


In response to a query from Councillor B Deering, the Environmental Manager explained the role of the current contractor and the work undertaken generally and in relation to grass verges.  In response to a query from the Chairman regarding service provision, the Environmental Manager explained that there were few large companies available who could provide the large scale service required by the Council.  Councillor M Casey queried the monetary value of the contract which was stated to be approximately £1.2Million.


The Environmental Manager, Open Spaces asked that any suggestions or comments relating to the remit of the Task and Finish Group be referred to the Lead Officer and Scrutiny Officer.


Members supported the Terms of Reference as detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) the scope and Terms of Reference of the Grounds Maintenance Contact Task and Finish Group as detailed, be supported; and


(B)   any comments or suggestions in relation to the remit of the Task and Finish Group be referred to the Lead Officer and Scrutiny Officer.