Issue - meetings

Update on Planning and Member Development

Meeting: 12/09/2017 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 147)

Update on Planning and Member Development

Presentation by Councillor S Rutland-Barsby


Councillor S Rutland-Barsby provided Members with a presentation on issues impacting on Development Management, Building Control and Member support.  The presentation summarised the increases in major and minor applications since 2011/12 and the issues affecting the wider region.  Management restructures within the planning team were explained.


The Executive Member provided an update in relation to changes and caseloads in terms of enforcement and recent changes regarding the management of building control.  A summary was provided in relation to Members’ training, development and support.  A list of questions and respective responses were circulated to facilitate the presentation.


The Executive Member explained the pressures on the service in terms of the recruitment of suitably qualified staff that were able to earn much more in London and the impact this had had on the service including a recent restructure.  She hoped that the restructure would allow the Council to take a more holistic approach to developing a planning team with a “grow your own” approach to career development.


The Executive Member provided an update in relation to enforcement and the use of external solicitors to assist with the backlog of cases.  She explained the role of Hertfordshire Building Control.


Members sought and were provided with clarification on issues relating to:


·        Major and local planning applications determined.


·        Recruitment issues.


·        How applications were allocated / determined.

·        Enforcement – and when it was not in the public’s interest to take action, e.g., a shed built six inches too high.


The Chief Executive explained that survey data from the East of England had identified recruitment as a regional problem and that the Council had signed up to a proposal to bring in people from the private sector to work within planning teams.  She explained that a company was being established for professionals to work alongside planning teams as part of a learning process.


Members thanked the Executive Member for the presentation.


RESOLVED – that the presentation be received.