Waste and Street Cleansing Vehicles
Minute 655 refers
Note – Members may find it useful to have their Executive agendas to hand.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED – that Capital funding in the range of £3.5 million to £4 million for the purchase of vehicles required to deliver the District’s waste and street cleansing service from May 2018, be approved, subject to tender evaluation indicating that option provides a substantial saving to the Council.
(see also Minute 6)
665 Waste and Street Cleansing Vehicles PDF 80 KB
Additional documents:
The Executive Member for Finance and Support Services submitted a report seeking to secure, in principle, capital funding for waste collection and street cleansing vehicles which would be required for the new joint waste and cleansing contract due to commence in May 2018. The Leader commented that the options detailed in the report, provided flexibility in terms of either buying the vehicles or leasing them.
The Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing referred to the tax (VAT) advantages associated with lease purchase and buying outright.
In response to a query from Councillor J Jones, the Waste Services Manager explained that some vehicles (e.g. such as those used for the collection of clinical waste), would be shared with North Herts District Council.
In response to queries from Councillor M Casey and Councillor P Ballam, the Head of Strategic Finance and Property explained the Council’s rationale for borrowing money versus using its reserves. She undertook to write to Members explaining the Council’s level of immediate resources in the bank. The Executive Member explained that what was being proposed provided the Council with more flexible options in terms of the tendering process.
In response to further queries regarding logos and the sharing of vehicles, the Waste Services Manager explained how all vehicles were clearly marked and what could be used to identify vehicles if they were involved in an accident.
The Executive supported the recommendation, as now detailed.
RECOMMENDED – that Capital funding in the range of £3.5 million to £4 million for the purchase of vehicles required to deliver the District’s waste and street cleansing service from May 2018, be approved, subject to tender evaluation indicating that option provides a substantial saving to the Council.