Issue - meetings

Complaint under the Localism Act 2011

Meeting: 14/02/2017 - Standards Sub-Committee (Item 15)

Complaint under the Localism Act 2011 – Ware Town Council (2)

Additional documents:


The Council’s Monitoring Officer provided a summary of the report.  He explained the background to the complaint and the fact that two medical certificates had been submitted by the subject of the complaint.  In noting the receipt of the certificates, Members empathised with the Member’s health.  The Chairman referred to the need to acknowledge the medical certificate.  This was supported.


The Independent Person (IP) explained the expectations of all concerned in ensuring that the issue was dealt with fairly, not only to the complainant, but to the person complained of. 


Given the circumstances, Members considered at length, the options available.  The IP sought Members’ views on the findings of fact if the medical certificate(s) had not been submitted.  Members agreed that from the evidence, there was a case to answer and that a hearing should be arranged at a date to be determined. 


The Monitoring Officer felt that Members should exercise caution and felt that an initial telephone call explaining the Sub-Committee’s decision might be more empathetic followed up by a letter.  This was supported. 


RESOLVED – that (A) the Monitoring Officer telephone the Town Councillor to outline the views of the Sub Committee’s Pre Hearing on the findings of fact; and


(B)   the Monitoring Office write formally to the Town Councillor detailing the views of the Sub Committee Pre Hearing.