Issue - meetings

Pensions Training

Meeting: 22/03/2017 - Audit and Governance Committee 2016 - 2017 (Item 633)

Training item – Pensions

Presentation to Members


The Head of Strategic Finance provided Members with a presentation on Pensions.  Various Members made comments and asked questions.


The Head assured Councillor J Goodeve that a possible overpayment to the pension fund would be investigated as soon as possible.  Following comments from the Chairman, the Head advised that the actual level of return compared to the assumptions made in 2013 would be circulated to the Committee.


Councillor M Casey commented on how much had been saved by the transition from a final salary to a career average pension scheme.  The Head confirmed that a written response would be issued to Members regarding savings resulting from this transition.  Members received the presentation.


RESOLVED – that the training presentation be received.