Issue - meetings

Environment Work Programme 2017/18

Meeting: 07/03/2017 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 595)

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The Chairman of Environment Scrutiny Committee submitted a report on the proposed future work programme in the context of changes to the scrutiny committee system which had been approved by Council on 1 March 2017.  The Scrutiny Officer asked Members to submit any draft proposals for consideration to be submitted to her by the end of March 2017.


Councillor R Cheswright asked that meetings of scrutiny be conducted in the Council Chamber.  She stated that the lights in Room 27 were too bright, that the room was hot and cramped and that the acoustics in the room and noise from the projector made things difficult to hear.  The Chairman explained the background to the use of Room 27 and agreed that the acoustics were poor.


Councillor M Freeman raised the issue of planning enforcement and the management of breaches.  He asked that the Head of Planning and Building Control write to all Members with an update on this.  This was supported.


The Committee supported the recommendations, as now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) the current work programme for Environment Scrutiny Committee be included in the Scrutiny Committee work plans under the new system; and


(B)   the Head of Planning and Building Control be asked to provide Members with an update in relation to planning enforcement and the management of breaches.