Issue - meetings

Housing Stock Transfer - Residual Undertakings

Meeting: 27/09/2016 - Community Scrutiny Committee (Item 376)

376 Annual Performance report for Network Homes and Circle Housing South Anglia Housing Associations: Housing Stock Transfer - Residual Undertakings pdf icon PDF 221 KB

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The Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing submitted a report on the progress made by the two housing associations on the three undertakings that remained following the end of the Delivery of Promises Programme in 2007 and following the large scale voluntary transfer in 2002.  The report also reviewed the performance of both associations’ repairs services.  The, Housing Services Manager provided a summary of the report drawing Members’ attention to the percentage of repairs completed by each and the progress made with regard to aids and adaptations. 


Councillor P Ruffles expressed concern that the performance target figures provided for Network Homes were not as transparent as those submitted by Circle Housing South Anglia and that these should have been extracted to provide local data statistics.  The Housing Services Manager stated that they had asked for local figures but had been advised that they were only able to monitor corporately.  It was suggested that Network Homes be asked to provide meaningful local repair figures and that their targets be amended to mirror those of the targets set by Circle Housing  South Anglia.  This was supported.


Councillor Ruffles referred to the difficulties in acting on behalf of residents because of the Data Protection Act.  A number of options to address this were discussed.


In response to a query by Councillor C Snowden regarding housing benefit, the Housing Services Manager explained why housing benefit was paid to the tenant and when it could be paid to the landlord directly.


In response to a query by the Executive Member for Health, Housing and Community Support regarding interaction with the Home Improvement Agency (HIA), the Head of Housing and Health explained the role of the HIA with regard to adaptations and funding and how tenants would benefit from the new service.


In response to a query from Councillor M Pope regarding the underspends in aids and adaptations, the Housing Services Manager explained the lack of demand, the referral service for jobs under £500 and the reduced demand for Disabled Facilities Grants.  The Head of Housing and Health explained the Council’s resources had not been used but that last year it had helped Circle Housing South Anglia with a particularly large adaptation.


In response to a query regarding preserved Right to Buy, the Housing Services Manager explained the low figures and that the reducing number of tenants eligible and the high costs of housing in the District still meant that many people could not afford to buy these properties despite the discount.


The Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing referred to the phased move by Circle Housing South Anglia from Charringtons House in Bishop’s Stortford. 


The Committee received the report, as now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) performance by both Network Homes and Circle Housing South Anglia Housing Association in 2015/16 on the three remaining stock transfer undertakings be noted; and


(B)   Network Homes be asked to provide meaningful local repair figures and that their targets be amended to mirror those of the targets set by  ...  view the full minutes text for item 376