Issue - meetings

Complaints Lodged with the Monitoring Officer

Meeting: 21/09/2016 - Audit and Governance Committee 2016 - 2017 (Item 314)

Complaints Lodged with the Monitoring Officer - Verbal Update


The Acting Head of Legal and Democratic Services explained the current procedure in terms of the complaints process and those submitted formally to the Monitoring Officer.  He referred to the issue of prejudice which could arise if the current process was not followed. 


The Acting Head explained that an investigation was complete in relation to one complaint, but that it was not at the point at which a public hearing should be arranged and that he was awaiting further information.  The Acting Head explained that as the Monitoring Officer, he needed to ensure that any complaints were dealt with in confidence and of the need to ensure that the issue of prejudice did not arise.  He reiterated that current protocols for dealing with complaints needed revision to remove any possibility of prejudice being alleged.


Members noted the update.


RESOLVED – that the update be noted.