217 Proposal to set up a county wide Home Improvement Agency Service in Hertfordshire PDF 148 KB
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The Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing submitted a report that set out a proposal to establish a county-wide Home Improvement Agency (HIA) to help elderly and vulnerable persons to remain living independently at home. The initial focus would be the provision of statutory Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) and in time the HIA could provide handyperson schemes and promote measures to tackle issues such as fuel poverty.
The Head of Housing and Health advised that East Herts Council had been working with other Hertfordshire Districts and the County Council on a business case for a shared service with the aim of providing a consistent, high quality service that had the potential for financial efficiencies.
Members were advised that the participating authorities were being asked to confirm their commitment to participate in a shared service to enable detailed implementation plans to be devised with a view to the service ‘going live’ in 2017/18.
The Head of Housing and Health responded to a number of comments and queries from Members. Members received the report and supported the recommendations now detailed.
RESOLVED – that (A) the report be received;
(B) the proposal that East Herts Council becomes a partner in the Hertfordshire Home Improvement Agency be supported; and
(C) the Council’s revenue and capital budgets earmarked for processing and paying for Disabled Facilities Grants for 2017/18 onwards be used to fund East Herts’ contributions to the shared Home Improvement Service be supported.