East Herts Draft District Plan – Chapter 4 – Green Belt and Rural Area Beyond the Green Belt: Response to Issues Raised During Preferred Options Consultation
Minute 235 refers
Additional documents:
RESOLVED – that (A) the issues raised in respect of Chapter 4 (Green Belt and Rural Area Beyond the Green Belt) of the Draft District Plan Preferred Options, as detailed at Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ to the report submitted, be received and considered; and
(B) the Officer response to the issues referred to in (A) above, as detailed in Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ to the report submitted, be agreed.
(see also Minute 328)
East Herts Draft District Plan – Chapter 4 – Green Belt and Rural Area Beyond the Green Belt: Response to Issues Raised During Preferred Options Consultation
Minute 30 refers
Additional documents:
Additional documents:
The Panel considered a report highlighting the issues raised through the Preferred Options consultation in connection with Chapter 4 (Green Belt and Rural Area Beyond the Green Belt) of the Draft District Plan Preferred Options version, together with Officer responses to those issues.
The Panel supported the recommendations as now detailed.
RECOMMENDED – that (A) the issues raised in respect of Chapter 4 (Green Belt and Rural Area Beyond the Green Belt) of the Draft District Plan Preferred Options, as detailed at Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ to the report submitted, be received and considered; and
(B) the Officer response to the issues referred to in (A) above, as detailed in Essential Reference Paper ‘B’ to the report submitted, be agreed.