6. Hertford Urban Design Strategy – Request for Capital Funding PDF 121 KB
Additional documents:
That East Herts Council commits up to a maximum of 50% of the £1m required to implement key improvements to The Wash, Maidenhead Street and Bull Plain Hertford, as detailed in the Hertford Urban Design Strategy, subject to other partners coming on board.
216 Hertford Urban Design Strategy – Request to Fund Town Centre Improvements PDF 121 KB
Additional documents:
The Chief Executive submitted a report regarding the Herford Urban Design Strategy that was adopted by East Herts Council in May 2016. Members were reminded that a Member steering group had been established to implement or support the implementation of the recommendations and there had also been fruitful conversations with the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).
Members were also advised that this was the first significant step in implementation and would address the areas of The Wash, Maidenhead Street and Bull Plain. The Chief Executive stated that the recommendation should be amended on the basis that East Herts Council commits up to a maximum of 50% of the required £1m subject to other partners coming on board.
The Head of Planning and Building Control provided a background to the proposal and summarised in detail what was being proposed to achieve improvements in design for the urban realm of Hertford Town Centre. Following a query from Councillor J Kaye, Officers confirmed that this funding would result in improvements that would amount to a perceptible improvement in quality in Hertford.
The Head of Planning and Building Control Services confirmed to Councillor M Stevenson that the proposals would improve the operation of Hertford town centre and would on balance improve quality. He also confirmed for Councillor R Brunton that Officers had a range of enforcement powers to encourage the improvement of shop front signage.
Officers responded to a number of other comments and queries from Members.
Councillor R Brunton proposed and Councillor M Casey seconded, a motion that the recommendation be amended as suggested by the Chief Executive. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.
Members received the report and supported the amended recommendation now detailed.
RESOLVED – that the Executive be advised that East Herts Council commits up to a maximum of 50% of the £1m required to implement key improvements to The Wash, Maidenhead Street and Bull Plain, Hertford, as detailed in the Hertford Urban Design Strategy, subject to other partners coming on board.