Issue - meetings

Climate Change Action Plan - Review

Meeting: 13/09/2016 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 265)

265 Review of Climate Change Action Plan pdf icon PDF 129 KB

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The Head of Operations submitted a report regarding the establishment of a Task and Finish Group to review, rationalise and refresh the East Herts Climate Change Action Plan and to agree its draft terms of reference, as detailed in the report. 


The Environmental Strategy and Development Manager outlined the report and sought Members’ view as to whether they wished for a wider or narrower approach in developing a Climate Change Action Plan across the District. 


The Executive Member for Environment and Public Open Space reminded Members that the original Climate Change Action Plan had been developed in 2009 and preferred the Action Plan to have a wider scope.  Councillor K Crofton proposed a narrower review, specifically looking at areas within the Council’s control and possibly targeting sports and leisure.  This was supported by Councillor M McMullen.  Councillor M Freeman suggested that a wider approach be taken and cited areas where the Council could influence matters, such as the use of solar energy within Development Management applications.  Councillor H Drake stated that the Council should take a lead on such matters and felt that a wider approach be adopted.


After being put to the vote, it was agreed that the Task and Finish Group should adopt a wider approach to the development of a Climate Change Action Plan.


The Scrutiny Officer suggested that the Task and Finish Group should comprise six Members, with the Chairman of that Group being a Member of Environment Scrutiny Committee in terms of line accountability. 


Councillors M Freeman and S Reed put forward their names for consideration on the Task and Finish Group.  It was noted that the Leader would make a final decision its membership.


RESOLVED – that (A) a Task and Finish Group comprising  six Members be established to provide a wide review, rationalisation and refresh of the East Herts Climate Change Action Plan; and


(B)     the draft terms of reference, as outlined within Essential Paper ‘B’ of the report submitted, be agreed.