Issue - meetings

External Audit - grants Certification Report 2015/16

Meeting: 25/01/2017 - Audit and Governance Committee 2016 - 2017 (Item 546)

546 External Audit – Grants Certification Report 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 164 KB


The External Audit Manager submitted a report detailing the results of certification and other assurance work regarding the Annual Grants Certification for 2015/16.  The Manager introduced the report and gave an overall summary of the positive position in respect of Annual Grants Certification for 2015/16.  She referred in particular, to the very positive position regarding the Revenues and Benefits Shared Service.


Members were advised of a number of minor issues they should be aware of on page 6 of the report submitted.  The Manager also advised that from 2018/19, the Council would be responsible for appointing its own auditor and this was likely to include making arrangements for the certification of the housing benefit subsidy claim in accordance with the requirements that would be established by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).


The Manager confirmed to Councillor S Stainsby that, as regards the certification of the housing benefits subsidy claim, no qualification letter was required this year which was an improvement over the previous year when one had been issued by the previous auditors.  Amendments were required which had resulted in a marginal decrease in the subsidy due of £5,440.


Members were advised that this did not constitute a financial loss rather an over claim of income.  The Committee noted the report as detailed.


RESOLVED – that the report be noted.