Issue - meetings

Statement of Accounts 2015- 16

Meeting: 21/09/2016 - Audit and Governance Committee 2016 - 2017 (Item 316)

316 Statement of Accounts 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 138 KB

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The Executive Member for Finance and Support Services submitted a report setting out the background to the 2015/16 Statement of Accounts and the Council’s overall financial position in terms of the Balance Sheet and revenue activity in terms of the General Fund and the Collection Funds.  The Head of Strategic Finance and Property introduced the report and assured Members that the report would be carefully reviewed before publication, to ensure accuracy of content.


The report was debated at length when a number of queries were raised and responded to.  Of particular concern was the issue of the Council’s liability with regard to pensions.  The Head of Strategic Finance and Property reminded Members that this matter was under a tri-annual review by Hertfordshire County Council and would be considered further by Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee in October 2016.  He stated that an HCC Pensions Adviser would be in attendance at that meeting to respond to Members’ questions. 


The Committee supported the recommendations as now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) the Council’s Statement of Accounts for the financial year 2015/16 be approved and authorised by the Chairman of the Audit and Governance Committee following the conclusion of the meeting; and


(B)   the letter of representation be        approved for signature by the Chairman of Audit and Governance Committee and the Head of Strategic Finance and Property.